Lama Lobsang Medicine Man of Little Oaks
F'Mani Dewa Living Doll of Little Oaks
Pälgi Dorje Black Panter of Little Oaks, m, black and tan
Pho-lha Sonam "El Macho" of Little Oaks, m, rot
Padme Mani Spirit Woman of Little Oaks, w, silberzobel
Pälden Lhamo Lotus Blossom of Little Oaks, w, rotzobel
Kai-La-Sha Soldier of Fortune
Hjam-ma Byi-wa Little White Lily of Little Oaks
O'Chag-gya Sa-tru Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, m, goldzobel
O'Chu-len Tak-tru Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
O'Dorje Khadro Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Onyam Chhem Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, m, zobel
O'My My Torma Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, w, goldzobel
O'Tsa-Tsas Chö Kai-La-Sha of Little Oaks, w, goldzobel wAbz
Jigme Dorje Dream Catcher of Little Oaks
E'Nyima Lambie-pie of Little Oaks
Norbu Senghe Beautybox of Little Oaks, m, silber
Namba Sema Noblewoman of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Nyee-ma Rgyal-mo It's-A-Kinda-Magic of Little Oaks, w, zobel
I'Yang-tze Gopse Lone Star of Llittle Oaks
Gyal-mo Dolma Luscious Lollapalooza of Little Oaks
Maitreya Magnificent Obsession of Little Oaks, m, zobel
Manjushri Prince Charming of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Mu-ni Tsenpo Lucky Luke of Little Oaks, m, zobel
Manali Sa-tru Lotus Blossom of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Maha Tara Spirit Woman of Little Oaks, w, rotzobel
Regent-of-Thang-Ka de Koempfer
E'Nyima Lambie-pie of Little Oaks
Lama Lobsang Medicine Man of Little Oaks, m, silberzobel
Lhamo Thöndup Hot Chili Peppers of Little Oaks, m, goldzobel
I'Yang-tze Gopse Lone Star of Llittle Oaks
Hjam-ma Byi-wa Little White Lily of Little Oaks
Khan-po Ripa Charismatic Gilmore of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Künga Nyingpo Sky Dancer of Little Oaks, m, zobel
Kali Kumari Sweet Lollipop of Little Oaks, w, zobel wAbz
I'Yang-tze Gopse Lone Star of Llittle Oaks
Gyal-mo Dolma Luscious Lollapalooza of Little Oaks
Janaka Crackling Rosé of Little Oaks, m, zobel
Jigme Dorje Dream Catcher of Little Oaks, m, zobel
Jo-danpo Tamil Tiger of Lillte Oaks, m, zobel
Jamina Jiva Sweet Lavender of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Janaki Dolma Talk of the Town of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Jaso-dhara La Diablita of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Jo-mo gans-dhkar Golden Girl of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Tienschan's Dschowo
F'Mani Dewa Living Doll of Little Oaks
I'Yamyang Gelong Loosey-Goosey of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
I'Yang-chen Gsa Little Rascal of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
I'Yang-tze Gopse Lone Star of Llittle Oaks, m, zobel
I'Yarto-La Cute-as-a-Button of Little Oaks, m, zobel
I'Sherap Dölma Double Delight of Little Oaks, w, zobel wAbz
El Minja's Thsang-Pa
Byi-wa Namlang Lovely Lady of Little Oaks
Hamdo Vajra Loony-Tunes of Little Oaks, m, zobel
He-ru-ka Dondup Lip-Lock of Lttle Oaks, m, zobel
Hjam-ma Byi-wa Little White Lily of Little Oaks, w, zobbel wAbz
El Minja's Gambler
E'Nyima Lambie-pie of Little Oaks
Gau-Ta-ma Buddha Lounge Wizard oft Little Oaks, m, cremezobel
Gau-ta-ma Buddha Lounge Lizard of Little Oaks, m, cremezobel
Geshe Gyalpo Snow Lion of Little Oaks, m, grauzobel
Ghasmari Gzi Little Pearl of Little Oaks, w, zobel wAbz
Gyal-mo Dolma Luscious Lollapalooza of Little Oaks, w, cremezobel
H'Ri-Khyi vom Tschibu
Byi-wa Namlang Lovely Lady of Little Oaks
F'Pag-mo Dupa His Lordship of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
F'Yeshe Norbu Love-letter of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
F'Kharma Dölma Lioness of Little Oaks, w, zobel
F'Mani Dewa Living Doll of Little Oaks, , w, zobel, weisse Abz
H'Ri-Khyi vom Tschibu
Byi-wa Namlang Lovely Lady of Little Oaks
E'Nyima Lambie-pie of Little Oaks, w, zobel, weisse Abz
H'Ri-Khyi vom Tschibu
Byi-wa Namlang Lovely Lady of Little Oaks
Dan-po Dondrup Lounge Lizard of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Dorje Ling Padme Like a Million Bucks of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Dolma Dewa Little Woman Dilly-Lily of Little Oaks, w, zobel wAbz
Durga Karma Love Potion of Little Oaks, w, zobel
Ke'Than-ju vom Tschibu
Amra Dra-Nyen Larrikin of Little Oaks
Chen-po Cute-as-a-Button Lilliput of Little Oaks, m, goldzobel wAbz
Ching Ching Choti Leadr of the Pack of Little Oaks, m, goldzobel wAbz
Chomolari His Lionhearted Lordship of Little Oaks, m, gold wAbz
Shing Trou Mi-rje
Amra Dra-Nyen Larrikin of Little Oaks
Bodhisattva Dorsche Crazy Daisy of Little Oaks, m, schwarz, lohf.Abz
Buddha Tsangpo Good Luck Charm of Little Oaks, m, zobel wAbz
Byi-wa Namlang Lovely Lady of Little Oaks, w, schwarz, lohf / wAbz
Shing Trou Ma-ran
Tashi Dolma
Alchi Djamja Lissom Lass of Little Oaks, w, goldzobel wAbz
Amra Dra-Nyen Larrikin of Little Oaks, w, goldzobel wAbz